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At Unlimited Pest, we have the equipment and expertise to efficiently perform cockroach elimination services in New York City and New Jersey. Continue browsing this page to learn more about the types of cockroaches and our method of eliminating them. You may also contact our representative for a price quote.
Adult German cockroaches are light brown except for their shield behind the head, which is marked with two dark stripes that run lengthwise on their body. They are about 5/8 inches long and can live up to a year. Young cockroaches are wingless and nearly black, with a single light stripe running down the middle of their back.
Their egg capsules, or ootheca, are light tan and less than half an inch long. Each capsule can contain up to 40 eggs. Female cockroaches drop their egg capsule before hatching. It takes 3-4 months for eggs to develop into adults.
Female cockroaches may lay up to eight egg capsules in a lifetime, which means they can produce 300 to 400 offspring. Most of the time, a female cockroach only needs to be impregnated once to lay eggs for the rest of her life.
German cockroaches are the most common ones found in homes and restaurants. Most cockroaches have a flat, oval shape, spiny legs, and long, filamentous antennae. Immature ones are smaller; they have undeveloped wings and resemble adults. German cockroaches eat all kinds of food and may hitchhike into your house through soft drink cartons, egg cartons, used furniture, sacks of potatoes or onions, and beer cases.
These cockroaches can develop into large populations and live throughout your house, especially in the bathroom and kitchen. Seeing them during the day in clusters means their population is large. During the day, these pests may be found hiding clustered in:
Roaches can spoil food, produce an unpleasant odor, damage books and wallpapers, and eat glue from your furniture. Some homeowners are allergic to cockroaches. This pest can contaminate food with certain bacterial diseases that cause food poisoning, diarrhea, or dysentery.
American cockroaches are reddish brown and have a yellowish margin on their body region behind their head. They are usually around 1 1/2 inches long. Once disturbed, immature cockroaches may run rapidly while adults may fly. Immature cockroaches resemble adults, except they have no wings.
Generally, American cockroaches live in moist areas but can survive in dry areas as long as they have access to water. They like warm temperatures around 84 degrees Fahrenheit and do not tolerate cold temperatures. In residential areas, they live in sewers and basements. During warm days, they may move outdoors into yards.
American cockroaches feed on various plant and animal materials. You can commonly see them in:
Adult Oriental cockroaches are shiny, dark brown or black, and about 1 to 1 1/4 inches long. They have nonfunctional wings, so they can’t fly. Female Oriental cockroaches are about 1 1/4 inches long, broad, and only have little pads for their wings. Males are about an inch long, slenderer and have wings that do not reach the tip of their abdomen. Immature cockroaches, also known as nymphs, appear darker than adults. They are wingless but have a similar shape to adults.
Their egg’s cases are dark reddish-brown, an inch long, making them the largest of the common cockroaches, and appear slightly inflated.
Oriental cockroaches are also known as “water bugs.” They are more common in damp areas compared to other cockroaches. These insects eat garbage and decaying organic matter and are often considered the filthiest house-infesting cockroaches. Oriental cockroaches are usually found in the following areas:
Oriental cockroaches often forage on the first floors of buildings. Outdoors, they are found beneath decomposing leaves, under stones in mulching materials, in municipal sewer plants, and trash containers. During autumn, these bugs can swarm into buildings. However, because they prefer cooler temperatures, they are usually found outdoors and in unheated buildings during winter.
Adult brown-banded cockroaches are rather small cockroaches at about 5/8 inches long. The adult male is slender and has wings extending beyond the tip of their abdomen. Adult females have shorter wings that expose a sizable portion of their broad abdomens.
These cockroaches have two light yellow or cream-colored bands across their backs. Adult bands are usually hidden by their wings. Their markings are roughly crosswise, while German cockroaches’ bands are lengthwise.
Generally, brown-banded cockroaches are found in:
Brown-banded cockroaches do not need as much moisture as German cockroaches, which explains why they are normally found in rooms other than the bathroom and kitchen. They don’t like the light and are not normally seen in the daytime.
Wood cockroaches are common outdoor dwelling insects native to North America and found throughout Iowa. Their normal habitat is moist woodland areas. However, they often become a household nuisance because they wander into or are carried into homes as “accidental invaders.”
Characteristics of Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches
Pennsylvania wood cockroaches look like the common American cockroaches; they have a flat, oval body, long antennae, and spiny legs. Their color is chestnut brown.
Wood roaches are smaller, about 3/4 to 1 1/4 inches long. The adults, especially the males, appear tan due to the color of their wings. Adults and large nymphs can be recognized by a pale, creamy white, or transparent stripe on the outer edge of their thorax. The pale edge stretches onto the first 1/3 of the adults’ front wings. Identifying small nymphs is challenging and usually requires microscopic examination.
Behavior of Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches
Wood roaches that have wandered into the house usually behave differently than household cockroaches. They are not secretive; they are active during the day and at night and are less likely to scamper out of sight when you approach them. Also, they wander around the house without congregating in a specific location.