Offering Reliable Flea and Tick Infestation Treatments in New York City
Unlimited Pest provides flea and tick infestation treatments for New York City and New Jersey clients. We also eliminate other pests, including:
Other Pests Not Mentioned
About Ticks
Ticks are small arachnids that need blood meals to complete their life cycles. They are scientifically classified as Arachnida, which includes spiders. Fossil records indicate that ticks have existed for at least 90 million years. There are more than 800 species of ticks worldwide, but they are categorized into two families only—Ixodidae, or hard ticks, and Argasidae, or soft ticks. Hard ticks have a scutum or hard plate on their backs, while soft ticks do not. These pests are known to transmit diseases to people.
Ticks go through a complex life cycle, which includes eggs, larvae, nymphs, and adult female and male ticks. The nymphs, larvae, and adults all need blood meals. Adult female hard ticks usually cause the most bites, while males die after mating.
Ticks do not fly or jump. Instead, they reach out with their legs, crawl, and grab onto a host. Although some ticks eventually die without enough blood meal, many species can survive a year or more without it.
Soft ticks can transmit diseases in less than 1 minute. Some of their bites can produce intensely painful reactions.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF)
How Can You Remove a Tick From Your Skin?
1.Wear gloves and other hand protection to avoid spreading tick-borne pathogens to your hands; use tweezers and forceps to grab the tick at skin level.
2.Firmly grasp the tick using the tweezers as close as possible to the skin without crushing the tick. Gently pull the tick upward until it comes free. Turning or twisting the tick doesn't make removal easier because the ticks' mouthparts are barbed. This may break off the pest's head and mouthparts, increasing the chances of infection.
3.Once you remove the tick, don't crush it because it may release pathogens. Instead, keep it in a tightly closed jar or taped piece of paper. Show the tick to a doctor in case a person becomes ill after being bitten by a tick. Flush any removed ticks that you will not use for identification down the sink or toilet.
4.The bitten area should leave a small indentation or crater where the tick's head and mouthparts were embedded. When portions of the head or mouthparts are still attached to the skin, a doctor may remove them.
5.Cleanse the bite area thoroughly with mild disinfectant or soap and water. Observe any developments or reactions to the bite site for several days, including rashes or other signs of infection. As a precaution, apply antibiotic cream to help prevent a local infection, but this rarely affects the chance of developing diseases transmitted by the tick.
6.Wash your hands thoroughly after handling any tick or instruments that touched a tick. Clean and disinfect the tools that you used.
Carpenter bees commonly nest in the following sites:
Fleas and the Diseases They Transmit
Fleas often probe a person’s skin before taking a blood meal. After 30 minutes, clusters or lines of itchy red marks may appear. On sensitive persons, bites may develop into raised bumps within 24 hours after being bitten.
For thousands of years, fleas have been associated with humans and other animals. Fleas have previously spread a bacterium called Yersinia pestis that killed 25 million people, which was more than a quarter of the population in 14th century Europe. This was called the Black Death.
The Life Cycle of a Flea
Humans are most familiar with adult fleas. They are specks that jump and occasionally bite but spend most of their lives on dogs and cats. Fleas can rapidly reproduce, laying their eggs on an animal while it rests or sleeps. They are not sticky and eventually fall into the pet’s bed, where the offspring are most likely to find food. The eggs hatch into tiny 1/8-inch larvae, which look like white worms, and are legless and blind.
Flea eggs shy away from light and wiggle their way down into an animal’s bedding, carpet, or grass. The fleas already have chewing mouthparts at this stage but do not suck blood. However, they feed on digested blood in the form of adult fleas’ feces, feathers, dead skin, and other organic debris.
After growing through three molts, the larvae become pupae, spinning silken cocoons that they camouflage by attaching bits of debris. Around a month after the eggs are laid, adult fleas emerge from their pupal cocoons. This emergence is triggered by:
Heat From Pets and People
Carbon Dioxide From the Breath
Physical Pressure From People and Pets Walking or Lying on the Fleas
Preparing for Flea or Tick Treatment
1.Shampoo or vacuum your carpet and furniture, including under and in the furniture.
2.Discard the vacuum cleaner bag. Discard or wash pet bedding using warm soapy water.
3.Sweep and mop your floors, especially under the beds, baseboards, and closets. Wipe areas of pet activity with warm to hot soapy water. Flea eggs can slip off pets anywhere, low or high.
4.Cover your aquariums and unplug the air pumps. Remove your pet birds before treatment, and do not return them for 24 hours.
5.Remove your pet's food and water containers as well as litter boxes.
6.Remove all toys and clutter from your floor and yard. Exposed floor space is a key factor in colony elimination.
7.Elimination operators may need to access your basements, crawl spaces, garages, and yards.
8.Treat your pets out on the day of service. We recommend taking your pets to an animal hospital or veterinarian.
9.Keep all people and pets off the property for 4-5 hours.
Things To Do After the Treatment
1.Keep your children and pets away from the treated areas until the treatment has dried. This will take approximately 4-8 hours.
2.Ventilate your home before occupying it.
3.You may observe adult fleas after the treatment. The elimination of the fleas should not be expected for up to 3 days due to the incubation period and activity of the fleas.
4.Vacuum your house for 14 days to pick up dead fleas and eggs.
Facts About Mosquitoes
A mosquito only weighs 1/25 of an ounce.
More than 2,500 species of mosquitoes exist worldwide.
A female mosquito can produce more than 200 eggs at once. These eggs can live for over 5 years.
Mosquitoes are accountable for more human deaths than any other living thing.
All mosquitoes need water to finish their life cycle.
Not all species of mosquitoes bite people. Male mosquitoes live by sucking on nectar and plant juices.
Only female mosquitoes suck blood to get protein for their eggs.
Millions of mosquitoes are born every day.
Mosquitoes hardly ever move beyond 300 feet from their native land.
There are mosquitoes worldwide, even in freezing places like the Arctic.
They choose to be near dark areas like trees, shrubs, and grass.
Reproduction of Mosquitoes
All mosquito species produce their eggs in various water origins, from undersized containers to huge areas of quagmires. Their larval period always occurs underwater and transfers to the surface. They get oxygen by using a snorkel-like respiring device. Although they do not eat during the pupil phase, they are tremendously energetic. A fully developed mosquito emerges from the pupal shell through air pressure.
Life Expectancy of Mosquitoes
The life span of mosquitoes differs among species, but characteristically, females survive for 300 days while males live for 10-20 days.
Generally, mosquitoes survive anywhere from 4 days to a month, depending on the temperature and adjustments to their circumstances. Their average life span is from 10-14 days. Nonetheless, females can survive for 2-3 months, given that they get away from their predators.
Contact Us for Mosquito Treatment
Unlimited Pest’s mosquito treatment will eliminate these pests for 60 days. In case they reappear within 60 days, we will retreat your home for free. So, contact us for a free price quote; we have over 50 years of experience providing excellent services.